If you’re longing for focus, mindfulness and joy in your life, putting your home in order is the first step! Even if you just want to clean out your closets, you are in the right place! When you get in touch with what truly sparks joy for you, your life will transform. And the best news yet is, this is a system that people don’t “relapse” from. Even when you think your house is “a mess,” it won’t take more than a few minutes, because absolutely everything in your home will have a place to live.
[Note: Please emphasize it in whatever way looks good.]
As a KonMari® Certified Consultant, I am here to guide you through the steps toward joy and abundance. Sessions are fun, enlightening and supportive, and between the two of us, we will get it done! Whether you choose one or two categories, or opt for a whole home package, I will guide you every step of the way.
Tidying with the KonMari MethodTM is very different from other organizational tools. We don’t tidy by space, but by category: